Setting goals is great. Prioritizing small goals over big goals is disingenuous.
The term “BHAGS” isn’t new. It’s been around a long while. Those of you who have forgotten or aren’t sure what it means, a BHAG is shorthand for “Big Hairy Audacious Goal.” What’s new for me, is that the other day, I heard a conversation in which having a BHAG was viewed negatively. Worse, this conversation was being had by those working for a start-up!
If there is any arena, any organization that needs to have some BHAGS, it’s start-ups. Don’t get me wrong, these pie-in-the-sky goals need to be supported with some realistic, bite-sized goals, but entrepreneurs by their very nature have to be dreamers.
Most start-ups aren't curing cancer. I’m not saying this to belittle non-medical based companies, but rather to say this: if you set a BHAG and don’t quite get there? No one dies. Start-up founders and leaders have to sell a vision. Have to instill in their people values that lead to the team setting and shooting for big audacious things. We give up time with our families. We fail (a lot). We work through lunch. Work late. Work weekends. And we don’t do these things to achieve a 5% uptick in operational efficiency. We do these things to tackle audacious goals!
Here’s a secret--missing a BHAG is OK! We set these goals because we’re dreamers. We set these goals because we absolutely believe in our mission and in our team. We set these goals because each day the big goal inspires us to push just a bit harder, despite how tired we are. Despite the setbacks. Despite the enormity of it all. Am I saying to set goals that are impossible and you'll never reach? Of course not. I am saying, however, don't be afraid of BHAGs. Don't be afraid of missing them either.
My wife is in her 40's. She’s been a runner most of her adult life. When she turned 41, she set a BHAG of going for a personal record in a half marathon. At 41! Most athletes have hit and passed their peak by that age. Will she hit this BHAG? No idea. But she’s trained hard. Pushed herself each day. Up at 5am every single morning. And getting a little better week to week.
If she misses this big, audacious goal, is she a failure? If you think ‘yes,’ you probably also enjoy mediocrity and the safety of the shore.
It's not about hitting marginal goals, it's about the process of continuously pushing yourself. Will you push yourself all that hard to shave 5 seconds off of your marathon time? Probably not. Big goals make us push hard.
Set big goals. Dream big. Push hard. If you miss? I guarantee you will still be miles ahead of those who set easy, safe goals. One more thing…good luck, honey. PR or not, you’ve inspired me to dream big and push hard.